If someone says starts throwing emotional poison darts: 1. Don’t take it personal. 2. Don’t get hurt 3. You have a choice in how you will play this out If you decide to suck in the poison, you get hurt, hostile or get eaten in one way or another like the fish in the video…
All posts in 2014
Feel it
The ultimate definition of HeartStar happiness. Always be happy like a 3 year old!
Don’t push through it alone
Doing it as a team can help us reduce our stress.
“And then there was Light- solid light”
Posted on Author mwolkenPosted in Cell signaling, Healthy Communication, Inspiration, patience and persistence, Success begins with "Core" Fitness
Solid light “Oscillations of photons create an image of frozen {crystalline) light. At first, photons in the experiment flow easily between two superconducting sites, producing the large waves shown at left. After a time, the scientists cause the light to “freeze,” trapping the photons in place. Fast oscillations on the right of the image are…
Top 8 Tips 4 Medical Students to get Rid of Stress in The Exam Nights
Hey Guys, Howz u all…… hmm…so here are some of the tips that i want to share with you about how you can get rid of exam anxiety, well we are medicos …and are well adapted to stress in daily life but it really increases when exams approaches… hope…