Join me on January 17 or 18, 2014 “Step out of Pain into Success” online interactive seminar Did you push through, never balancing time for yourself, loved ones, work and play in 2013? Did you work even when you were too sick or tired to think straight? Did the demands to make it better, finish…
All posts in 2013
“Do you suffer from the pain in the butt syndrome?”
Get quick relief for the “pain in the butt” syndrome. Do you sit too much and feel like you have pain or discomfort in your lower buttock, leg or foot? When you sit for a period of time do you get pain in your butt, leg and/or foot? Here’s how to reduce the stress on…
“Reduce stress and relax quickly”
For quick relief of many common daily aggravations, pain relief, gain better mental focus try tapping. Reference Want to easy out of pain, confusion and overload? Click here Step up out of pain to Success
“Does EU and Canada take better care of workers’ stress issues?”
Governing bodies in both the European Union and Canada have departments to oversee work related health issues in the area of worker or employee stress.The EU guides company managers to be on the lookout for employee related stress problems in the following areas when: workers’ motivation is down work satisfaction is low absenteeism is high…
The costs of cell phone, iphone ipad and android addiction?
Dear blue tooth, iphone ipad and android junkies, The costs of always needing to be hooked up and on top of the latest text messages and emails: Increase tendency to develop anxiety disorders Increase in EMFs aggravate the nervous system Keeping electron devices on the body and close to the bed causes a depletion…