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All posts tagged Tips for less stress
“What’s eating you?”
Posted on Author mwolkenPosted in At the Core, Health and Fitness Mini Checks, Healthy Communication, patience and persistence, Success begins with "Core" Fitness
Are your fears and worries eating away at your success? Stop those wheels of indecision and anxiety from eating you alive. Quit ignoring or blocking what your body and spirit is trying to tell you. If you are ready to stop just handle “it”, and want to be free of “it”. Take the…
The costs of cell phone, iphone ipad and android addiction?
Posted on Author mwolkenPosted in Environment, Health and Fitness Mini Checks, Healthy Communication, Success begins with "Core" Fitness
Dear blue tooth, iphone ipad and android junkies, The costs of always needing to be hooked up and on top of the latest text messages and emails: Increase tendency to develop anxiety disorders Increase in EMFs aggravate the nervous system Keeping electron devices on the body and close to the bed causes a depletion…