Helping you help others

Simplify  Simplify

Kids having fun

The best way to overload the brain….

***Try to do too much at one time.***


As adults who once were children, we found out the hard way.

Remember those days when you would come home from school?

You knew you had a list of things “that must be done,” and all you wanted was to  BE FREE  to play. 

How did you feel?    Happy?   NO!

Clear-headed and energized? NO

Teachers and parents  of children with challenges, please allow children to play/ exercise  between classes, after school  and and after dinner before homework.

Give everyone time to play and have fun including yourself.

Walking, exercising playing on the trampoline, yoga stretches , dancing to music or simply running around outside helps the brain and body calm down and oxygenate the body and mind.

Then you and the children can get back to homework, cooking, art or other creative activities with energy and happiness.

Let’s explore how you can get tmore energy easily and feeling more relaxed and fulfilled than ever before.

Call now




Get a clear perspective
Ready to live in 2024?

Ready to drop the worry” and really enjoy living in 2024?

Are you looking at and reacting to situations and people through old filters?

We all have our “favorite” old feelings and things we say to ourselves when we are unsure of how to move forward.


Check the ones that sound familiar”

  1. I’m not sure I can…
  2. Maybe later, after I …
  3. This never works right for me…
  4. It always happens, …
  5. I’m not good enough….
  6. Maybe I’ll do it ….

** If you have checked 3 or more – don’t wait set you intro. free session today.

**Less than 3  you can wait till tomorrow before you call, but you’ll be happier if you call today.

*Gently eliminate emotional pain, trauma  or learning challenges that blocks your happiness and success.

* Stop living on an emotional roller coaster?

*Remove the poison from the old hurts and traumas.

* Stop worrying. 

Love what you do

 Feel the freedom of quickly gently changing pain to calm, relaxed, and confident .

 Don’t stay stuck in a rut, unless you want to!

This is a scientific formula for identifying the root causes of your challenges and resetting them gently at a quantum speed. This simple technique can change your life forever.

“Can I get through this pain and frustration gently -I’m so tired of this old stuff!”  -Mary Wolken PhD.


















High Five


 High Fives to reduce anxiety and stress


Do you let yourself get so overwhelmed with “stuff” that you find yourself just staring at the TV and eating sometimes?

If your life is as busy and overloaded with things to do.

Take 5

Take five what you ask?

Take 5 minutes.

Take your hand and turn off the TV!

Take 5 and put the food away.

Take 1 hand and put it on top of your head gently

Take your other hand and put it over your upper belly with your thumb pointed up your rib cage.

Then close your eyes and breathe in slowly to the count of 5 and out to the count of 10 very slowly.

Do this 5 times

Write 5 things you’ve noticed.

Great job

              High Five!


Use your power in thise fingers to contact  Mary Wolken today!






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