Relax – day 2

Day 2                                                                     Relax to help the planet Easy sunrise/ sun any time exercise for all ages Walk outside in a safe quiet area. Close your eyes and face the sun (with eyes closed) Breathe in the sun’s light slowly and deeply for 8 cycles. Each breath cycle breathe in to the count 8 and […]

Relax day 1 How fit are you?

___ Can you quickly and easily relax? ___Do you suffer from pain? ___ Do you feel overwhelmed? ___Do you think clearly? ___Do you have a clear sharp memory? ___Do you frequently injure yourself/ trip or bump into things? ___Are you living on sugar, “Red Bull” or caffeine- like fixes? ___Do you often feel too tired […]

Little Steps bring Success!

Step 1. Little Steps bring Success The stress from physical and emotional pain and fatigue can cause anxiety, confusion, and social isolation. Chronic deep muscle pain or fear can decrease activity and lead to depression. Anxiety, fear, and depression often block even the desire to change. Besides the physical and emotional challenges to recovering your […]

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