Mindfully move toward the light

Take a moment to move closer to the stars within *Relax * Breathe deeply of the Universe of light that surrounds you. Feel your heart lighten. Whether you physically at the end of your day move up a physical path to take in the stars or simply focus your attention on this moving stairway imagine you are filling yourself with […]

Uptown funk for your health

Old movies got the funk. 66 (Old) Movie Dance Scenes Mashup (Mark Ronson-Uptown Funk ft.Bruno Mars) The Funk can ease your worries. Try it you’ll like it!  If you can’t get up and about just do it in bed or at your desk and feel the change. Try some of these moves to increase your energy and lighten the anxiety […]

Unwind the pain with alpha waves

Pain becomes magnified when you focus on it. A way to decrease pain’s grip is to focus on these relaxing sounds and feel your pains and emotional stress float away with each belly breath you take while listening to this tape. The mind can only focus on one thing at a time. If you concentrate on these relaxing alpha waves […]

Going home

Never underestimate how great Going home feels. Image:  from thedodo.com  For more images of this joyous event click the link. This little sun bear shows us how good it feels to go home. Going home for us is living in the moment, from your heart and in gratitude for what you all you are given. For biweekly suggestions on how […]

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