Using photon light to heal
Brain Training- a new way to learn


Gift that keeps on giving                                                                     

  • The new You

    Using photon light to heal

  • Finding You can be fun

  • Learn how you release your hidden clitches that slow your progress :

  • Stress can be relieved by relaxing

  • Pain can be decreased instantly if you learn how

  • Learn how to regulate your breathing and heart rate,

  • Help reset your sleep and self confidence with your mind’s energy

All these changes and much more can be your new skills in 2024.


Set up 1/2 hour time to learn how easy it is.



Relax day 1 How fit are you?

___ Can you quickly and easily relax?

___Do you suffer from pain?

___ Do you feel overwhelmed?

___Do you think clearly?

___Do you have a clear sharp memory?

___Do you frequently injure yourself/ trip or bump into things?

___Are you living on sugar, “Red Bull” or caffeine- like fixes or chocolate?

___Do you often feel too tired to get out of bed in the morning?

___Do you want to live  a healthy happy life feeling fulfilled?

___Do you often feel alone, anxious or lonely?

___Do you frequently block out pain with CBD or other substances?

If  you answered “Yes” to 4 or more of these question,

Are ready to up your inner fitness game?


To begin simply sign in above with your name and email and you can be on your way to experiencing the life you were meant to joyously live.


Yawn like a cat – relax

Look in your mirror and yawn when you need to unwind.

Continue yawning to open and relax your jaw  and facial muscles.

Look closely at all the muscles and structures that get some more energy when you open your mouth as wide as you can
inhale deeply
Then slowly breathe out.
Repeat 5 – 10 times.
Helping you relax and be grateful we can breathe and love ourselves and each other more.

Relax – yawn! Mother Nature’s Natural relief

Natural Relief -this costs you nothing!

yawningAndrew Gallup, now at the State University of New York at Oneonta, was first inspired by the idea during his undergraduate degree when he realized that stretching and yawning might help to chill the brain and stop it from overheating. The strong gaping movement of the jaws forces blood to flow around the skull, helping defuse excess heat. Then inhaling cool air into the sinus cavities sends oxygen around the carotid artery leading back into the brain. These movements may flex the membranes of the sinuses – fanning a soft breeze through the holes that should cause our mucus to evaporate, thus chilling the head like air conditioning.

When you yawn and place your hands or fists on your jaw, it aids the relaxation of the muscle fascia and allows the tissues especially the upper body to relax.

Stress can cause physical and emotional pain lessen your drive and joy. The urge to yawn increases, acting like Mother Nature’s Natural Relief. Yawning when in pain or stressed will help the brain and emotional body find a solution.

Try taking a stretch and yawning break and watch the brain fog clear and your energy improve.  The pain decreases as you regularly practice .


Sign in above for more ways to help you and your business decrease stress and pain. You will give yourself the beginnings of freedom from pain -the gift of peaceful release.

Mary Wolken PhD

Natural Relief  for Moms and kids in Trauma, Pain, and Anxiety


Join us for the [ninja_form id=1].  Learn fun ways to relax instantly.

Feb.19  at  10  – 10:30 AM  MST

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